Assignment Writing

Plan!! Plan!! Plan!!
  • Use your course outlines to identify and plan out all your assignments.
  • Plan well to ensure assignment due dates don’t clash and stress you out.
  • Do prior work on assignments should you have them clashing
Set the Foundation Right

Good research, reading and pre-planning form good foundation for any assignment writing.

Ensure the following:

  • Pre-read the assignment question when you receive your assignment.
  • Make a mental plan of the amount of research and work required.
  • Do basic research on where you will find your sources for research, books, online, media etc.
Doing the Assignment

The following points are critical:

  • Do not procrastinate and leave things to the last minute, that just causes plagiarism and STRESS
  • Read your question well, circle guiding words like describe, explain, illustrate.
  • Ensure you follow the format explained and required from your lecturers and courses, remember no 2 courses are the same!
  • Ensure you are following word limits.
  • Reference and cite all your sources well.
  • When you write your bibliography, be sure to check what referencing style your specific assignment requires.
  • Also, remember that you are required to do both intext referencing as well as the Reference/Bibliography section at the end.
  • Remember in text will only include Authors name and Publication year, while the Bibliography will include the full details of that reference.
Examples of how to Cite and do Reference

In Text

Kumar. M (2022), mentioned that the role of English…

This is within your paragraphs

Full Reference

Kumar. M (2022), How to Write an Academic Essay, Department of English Sciences, Suva, Fiji, pg 19-22. (Book Source)

This will appear in your Bibliography


Remember the following:

  • Submit your assignments on time!
  • Should you need more time, make arrangements before hand with reasoning and evidences.
  • Submit a day or 2 earlier if you can! Earns you respect!
  • Know the correct format of submission as per your course requirements.
  • Do a proper cover page and follow the requirements as set by the course convenors.
  • Do not plagiarize!
  • Do not let others copy your work!