Press Release: 29 January 2024

The Tertiary Scholarships and Loans Service (TSLS) online application has been extended to Friday 9
February 2024.

TSLS is reminding applicants to complete and submit their online applications before 9 February 2024. TSLS notes 8383 scholarship application accounts created and 4430 applications have been successfully completed and submitted against the eligibility criteria of relevant scheme and the quota, where applicable.

There are 3953 applications incomplete for processing and decision making. The applicants have been
regularly informed via email, phone, live chat, and social media channels. TSLS is urging applicants to take
the initiative to complete

While the Online Application process has been made highly convenient, TSLS notes the following challenges:

  • Applicants uploading incorrect Offer Letters and documents not construed as offer letters.
  • Applicants’ choice of programme sponsorship on TSLS online portal and tertiary education provider
    offer letter do not match.
  • Applicants providing incorrect personal details, example birth registration number, birth certificate
    and residential address.
  • Applicants providing self-statutory declarations where parents/guardians statutory declarations are
  • Applicants are not providing their personal banking details.

Furthermore, TSLS is urging the students who have received the scholarship offer to firm up on their decision to accept, reject or change the programme of sponsorship. Once the scholarship offer and acceptance agreement is confirmed by the applicant, further change may lead to disappointment where quota is allocated.

Scholarships for certain programmes have quotas and will be filled from the highest mark to the last descent for those students who have successfully completed and qualified. TSLS is encouraging applicants to complete their applications to avoid disappointment. Adhering to the deadline is one of the attributes of an aspiring tertiary student.

Tertiary education providers are reminded to correctly inform students when advising about scholarships
and refer to the readily available TSLS community awareness handbook for reference. Scholarships are only available for programmes which are part of the national priority areas.


Posted in: Blog