Preparing for Exams

Tips for Before Exam
  • Make sure you know date time and venue for your exams
  • Get your pencil case with resources ready a day earlier before your 1st paper
  • Try to eat and sleep well a night before the papers
  • Try to arrive 15 mins before at the exam venue so that you are not late and frustrated
  • Avoid conversations outside the exam hall that divert your mind. Use that time to warm up your mind for the paper.
Tips for during the Exam
  • In your reading time, skim through the paper and in your mind cluster your answers and ideas.
  • Read the instructions carefully to see which questions need short answers, which need illustrations, which need essays etc.
  • Never panic that the paper is lengthy, papers are made in accordance with time limits set.
  • Do not exceed word limits on essays, this does not get you extra marks.
  • Budget your time, ensure you have some time left to check your paper
  • If you have memorized any formulas etc. jot them down quickly and refer to it for answering your questions.
Tips for the end of exam
  • Check that you have answered all your questions
  • Written neatly and legibly
  • Check grammatical errors
  • Removed any notes or formulas as part of your brainstorming
  • Ensure your name and ID number is written on all pages including the cover page
Managing Anxiety of Sitting for Exams
  • Don’t panic- You have done exams before in high school!
  • Manage 1 unit/course at a time.
  • Don’t cram everything, as this will make you forget faster
  • Be well prepared in terms of resources (calculators, pens, and essentials)
  • Know your exam dates and times well!
  • Be confident as you have already done your course work and gained some marks that way.
  • Be disciplined during your study break to reap the rewards during the exam weeks.
Things to be mindful of;
  • Exam date and Time CHECK and NOTE!
  • Content to be covered in exams, as advised by your coordinators
  • Check for your course work marks as released by your lecturers so that you can plan your study that way.
  • Rome wasn’t built in a day! Take one step at a time, don’t try to prepare for all 4 papers at once.
8 Principles of Time Management
  • Determine what is urgent
  • Don’t over commit and certainly not during exam week
  • Make a plan for all revision
  • Allow time for the unexpected during your study and exam weeks
  • Create realistic plans for your study and include time to eat and relax too
  • Minimize distractions like FB, Tiktok etc.