December 23, 2024
Subsequent to the message from the Hon. Minister of Education on the release of Year 13 Examination Results, the Tertiary Scholarships and Loans Service “TSLS” would like to inform potential applicants that registration for 2025 academic year for the Fiji Government scholarships opened on 02nd of December 2024.
Those applicants who have already registered are requested to upload Year 13 examination results and final offer letter from the preferred Tertiary Education Institution “TEI” and submit the application. TSLS will not assess any application based on provisional offer letter from any TEI.
Those who are yet to register can do it as applications will close on 31st of January 2025. However, TSLS is encouraging 2024 Year 13 students to register and apply at their earliest as some scholarships have quota.
Once the application is successfully completed and submitted, the application will move to the processing stage for an assessment against the relevant eligibility criteria. The outcome of the applications will be notified accordingly via the email used for registration and also the applicants can check their application status on the TSLS Online Application Portal.
TSLS urges students to make a wise decision when selecting their academic programmes by carefully considering the availability of job opportunities in the market.
For a detailed understanding of the eligibility criteria and comprehensive information on the various schemes available, applicants can refer to the publicly accessible 2025 Community Awareness Handbook on www.tsls.com.fj and TSLS social media pages.
For further details, please visit our website on www.tsls.com.fj. Any queries on the TSLS online application can be directed to it@tsls.com.fj.
A step-by-step guide video and information is also available on the TSLS website and social media pages. Applicants without online access can visit TSLS offices in Suva, Lautoka, Nadi and Labasa to use self-service kiosk.
For any further queries or more information, please email communications@tsls.com.fj or phone 8921240.
Authorised by:
Mr. Avinay Kumar
Acting Chief Executive Officer
Provision of False Information is a serious offence under the False Information Act 2016
Tertiary Scholarships and Loans Service